
Mortgage Broker Cost

Let us find the perfect mortgage for you, at a great rate, all For FREE!

  • Our mortgage professionals in Edmonton work for you, and not the banks; therefore, they work in your best interest. From the first consultation to the signing of your mortgage, their services are FREE!
  • There’s seems to be a misconception that Mortgage Brokers/associates get paid more if they charge you a higher mortgage rate. Edmonton Mortgage brokers get compensated by a “finders fee” paid by the lender, based on the mortgage amount, and not the rate. It’s in our best interest to negotiate with the lender to secure you a great mortgage at a great rate so that you send us your future business and referrals.
  • A fee may bee charged only for the most challenging credit and income solutions, and it’s especially under those circumstances that a mortgage professional can do for you what your bank cannot. Let the leading mortgage broker in Edmonton help you get into a home or refinance today!
Using A Mortgage Broker – Residential Mortgage Edmonton

The Mortgage Force Team – Edmonton Mortgage Brokers

Call for a FREE quote 780-466-9898

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Edmonton Mortgage Brokers: Refinance

We are committed to providing our clients with the best service. Trying to qualify for a mortgage with a good rate can be a stressful time and we want to make it as easy as possible. Our team will go through the process with you to help you achieve your goals of owning a home and saving you as much money as we can. Our clients will have ease of mind knowing we are getting them the most competitive rate from our lenders and the more volume we send them means lower rates for our clients.

Residential Mortgage-Mortgage Apply

We are trained quality mortgage professionals with extensive knowledge in our field. We are duty-bound to help our clients in their mortgage buying decision, meaning we help make sure you don’t end up with an unsuitable mortgage. Our clients can be assured that we will not charge them any hidden fees. We will not and cannot tie our cost in your loans interest rate. We only get paid once your mortgage is approved and get exclusive deals for our clients with the lenders we work with.

mortgage broker cost

Your mortgage is one of your biggest expenses, so it’s imperative to find the best interest rates and mortgage terms possible. By shopping around at renewal time you can save substantial amounts of money over the life of your mortgage loan. Don’t be one of the 60% who just simply sign their renewal letter and send it back. Use the services of a Dominion Lending Centres’ Mortgage Force professional to ensure the lenders compete for your business.


Speak to one of our mortgage specialists today!

Call 780-466-9898

We’re here for you. Take the first step!